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School Meal Programs Around The World

GLOBAL REPORT BASED ON the 2021 Global Survey of School Meal Programs ©

Covering 139 countries, of which 125 had large-scale school feeding, the 2022 edition of School Meal Programs Around the World presents the results of GCNF’s second Global Survey of School Meal Programs ©, conducted from July 2021 through March 2022. Use the links below to read, download, and print the full 2022 global report.

To access the Global Survey of School Meal Programs Database, please fill out this interest form.

graphic of blue fish, orange carrots, and green bowl


We created these executive summaries to give you a quick understanding of the global reports. Learn about school feeding worldwide in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish.


Global Reports of School Meal Programs Around the World English Executive Summary 2022


Global Reports of School Meal Programs Around the World French Francais Executive Summary 2022 Programmes d'alimentation scolaire


Global Reports of School Meal Programs Around the World Portuguese Executive Summary 2022


Global Reports of School Meal Programs Around the World Spanish Espanol Progamas de Alimentacion Escolar en todo el Mundo Executive Summary 2022

School Meal Programs Around the World

Report Based on the 2019 global Survey of School Meal Programs ©

Ggraphic of three characters eating school meal

The Global Survey of School Meal Programs © aims to strengthen the work of the global school meal network by developing a comprehensive description of all the core aspects of large-scale school meal programs around the world. The Global Child Nutrition Foundation conducted the first survey in 2019, and will repeat it every two to three years thereafter.

The survey asks a standard set of questions to develop a baseline database on the current state of school feeding programs in all countries of the world, including those with no school feeding activities. The following global report explores the 2019 survey’s findings chapter-by-chapter.

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