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Access the GCNF Global Survey of School Meal Programs © Database

The Global Child Nutrition Foundation periodically conducts the world’s largest data collection on school meals via the Global Survey of School Meal Programs ©, thereby addressing a critical knowledge gap on school meals around the world. The Global Survey receives core support from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the 2024 round received supplemental support from The Rockefeller Foundation.

Data are collected by GCNF, a neutral and impartial entity, through government-assigned Focal Points who are responsible for collecting, collating, and submitting the data following the countries’ own internal data validation processes before going through GCNF’s own data quality control process.

The data are made freely available for government decision makers, donors, researchers, and others dedicated to making data-informed decisions about school meal programs. The data have been rapidly incorporated into major global reports such as GCNF’s School Meal Programs Around the World, World Food Programme’s State of School Feeding Worldwide, and UNESCO’s Ready to Learn and Thrive report, and this data set is a key part of the monitoring mechanism for the School Meals Coalition.
This database is the product of information provided by government officials or their designees in response to the Global Survey of School Meal Programs © conducted by GCNF in 2024, 2021, and 2019, supplemented in limited ways with publicly available data, primarily from the United Nations and the World Bank. The data are provided in good faith and for general information purposes only. GCNF makes no guarantee as to the completeness or accuracy of the information.

GCNF is a non-political, non-profit entity. Funding for the survey is provided, in part, by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The information collected here will help us support our users and ensure the effective maintenance and advocacy of the Global Survey of School Meal Programs Database. Please provide the following basic information about yourself, your organization, and a brief description of your interest in accessing the database.

The Global Survey of School Meal Programs © is Supported in Part By:

The Global Survey receives core support from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The 2024 round received supplemental support from The Rockefeller Foundation.